Name: Platyscutellum massai Alberti, 1981
Stratigraphy: Ihandar formation, Pragian
Locality: Oued Atchana
Oblate scutellid with a broad, sickle-shaped cephalon and small dorsal spines on most of the thoracic segments. The pygidium is notably narrower than the cephalon. This is a rare trilobite from the Dicranurus couche.
Stratigraphy: Ihandar formation, Pragian
Locality: Oued Atchana
Oblate scutellid with a broad, sickle-shaped cephalon and small dorsal spines on most of the thoracic segments. The pygidium is notably narrower than the cephalon. This is a rare trilobite from the Dicranurus couche.