Name: Leonaspis sp. (Richter & Richter, 1917)
Stratigraphy: Ihandar formation, Pragian
Locality: Maharch
This Leonaspis shows a paired axial row of tubercles, as well as small abaxial pleural tubercles. There is no occipital spine, only a small occipital tubercle. The genal spines are robust and bear a dorsal row of large tubercles. A second specimen (below) shows a couple of missing pleural spines, most likely the result of predation.
Stratigraphy: Ihandar formation, Pragian
Locality: Maharch
This Leonaspis shows a paired axial row of tubercles, as well as small abaxial pleural tubercles. There is no occipital spine, only a small occipital tubercle. The genal spines are robust and bear a dorsal row of large tubercles. A second specimen (below) shows a couple of missing pleural spines, most likely the result of predation.