Name: Crotalocephalina cf. gibbus Barrande, 1852
Stratigraphy: Ihandar Formation, upper Pragian
Locality: Issoumour
Crotalocephalina is a common trilobite from the late Pragian of Jebel Issoumour and Oued Atchana, a.o. It's a relatively large Cheirurid, and is in need of revision since there seems to be a number of (sub)species.
Stratigraphy: Ihandar Formation, upper Pragian
Locality: Issoumour
Crotalocephalina is a common trilobite from the late Pragian of Jebel Issoumour and Oued Atchana, a.o. It's a relatively large Cheirurid, and is in need of revision since there seems to be a number of (sub)species.